#Game like soul calibur on pc series#
Series fans will be thrilled to see their favorite duelists back in action (sultry dominatrix Ivy's chain-whip punishments never looked so sexy, and gimpy Voldo's undulations are more disturbing than ever). Namco's strategy of refinement carries over to Soul Calibur II's roster of characters as well. Watching a petite Talim deflect a blow from Astaroth's king-sized ax and stagger clear across the stage under a shower of sparks is all the proof you need. It's fast and fluid, making even over-the-top moves seem totally convincing.

But it's what you haven't seen that'll really blow you away. You've studied the stills of elegant arenas where sunlight filters through stained glass, curves around columns of cold marble, and kisses Ivy's perfect breasts.

You've seen the flashes that follow blades as they arc through the air. And the screenshots you've been staring at all summer only hint at this baby's breathtaking beauty. Anyone can appreciate SC2's unmatched visual polish. This fighter's been training in secret for years and emerges from its sword school a leaner, faster, more lethal samurai, subtly improved in most every aspect. SC2 is anything but a lamp-heated rehash of last generation's leftovers (and not only because many of you missed Cali's debut). With this sequel, Namco chose to refine its previous work rather than rethink the series' already superb design. Soul Calibur II became my sensei overnight, and I've been abusing buttons ever since. Screw it, I'll say the unspeakable: When this swordslinger stepped onto the scene, it eviscerated all comers, Virtua Fighter 4 included, and squatted to drop a deuce on their headstones. Unfortunately, Dreamcast's early demise (and the dying arcade scene) meant that most gamers never got to train with Soul Calibur. Calibur was a huge step forward from its predecessor, Soul Blade, and not just because it looked beautiful it was amazingly deep, especially for a weapons-based fighting game. When the original Soul Calibur came out on Sega Dreamcast, it was the best fighting game we'd ever played-and we're not qualifying that with an "arguably," because there was no argument (almost four years later, only Virtua Fighter 4 and MF4: Evo-see page 115-can compare). So clear your schedule you've got a can't-miss appointment with an undead pirate, a busty ninja, and a weirdo dressed with lots of flair. Because there are some games you play when you can find the time, and then there are games you rearrange your life around. versions of 3D fighter Soul Calibur II have been stunting productivity in our offices since June-pretty soon, you're gonna be just as screwed as we are.